The National Panasonic JB-3000

The National Panasonic JB-3000
The National Panasonic JB-3000 or also known as the "Matsushita MyBrain 3000" from 1982 is a bit of an odd duck of a vintage computers. You can find some information about it, but not as much like for other vintage computers. Type Panasonic JB-3001E Manufacturer Matsushita | Panasonic Origin Japan…

Active Directory reset adminCount back to 0

Active Directory reset adminCount back to 0
Introduction The PS code below will find admin accounts in your Active Directory that have an adminCount higher than 0 and reset it back to 0, always verify why the count was increased! Code get-aduser -Filter {admincount -gt 0} -Properties adminCount | Set-Aduser -UserPrincipalName $_.UserPrincipalName -Replace @{adminCount=0}

How to mass change the primary group of users in active directory with PowerShell

How to mass change the primary group of users in active directory with PowerShell
Introduction This very simple PS code will allow you to change the primary group of a group of users and report back who the users are you've changed through the script. Code Start-Transcript "C:\Users\UserName\Downloads\PrimaryGroupChange.log" $newPrimaryGroup = get-adgroup "NewPrimaryGroupHere" -Properties "primaryGroupToken" $oldPrimaryGroup = get-adgroup "OldPrimaryGroupHere" -Properties "primaryGroupToken" $tempUsers = get-aduser -Filter…