Upload user photos in Active Directory and Entra AD

Upload user photos in Active Directory and Entra AD

A simple PowerShell script that imports user photos into Active Directory. After an Entra AD Sync it will push the same images to towards Azure, Office 365 (Teams, Exchange,

The user photos need to be 80×80 with a max filesize of 100kb!

$transcriptLog = "C:\Scripts\ImportThumbnail\log.txt"

if (Test-Path $transcriptLog)
    Remove-Item $transcriptLog -Force

Start-Transcript -Path $transcriptLog

    Import-Module ActiveDirectory

    $pathDir = "C:\Scripts\ImportThumbnail\Images"

    if (Test-Path $pathDir)
        Write-Host "Path exists"
        $photos = Get-ChildItem $pathDir -Filter *.jpg
        $totalPhotos = (Get-ChildItem $pathDir -Filter *.jpg  | Measure-Object).Count
        Write-Host "Total images to be processed ${totalPhoto}"

        Write-Host "Path does not exist"
        Write-Host "Path = ${pathDir}"

    $count = 0
    $succeeded = 0
    $succeededUpdating = 0
    $failed = 0
    $failedUpdating = 0
    $deleted = 0

    foreach($photo in $photos)

            $baseName = $photo.basename
            $tempBaseName = ($photo.basename -replace "'","''").ToString()
            $tempPhoto = ($photo.FullName -replace "''","'").ToString()
            #Write-Host "basename = $basename"

            Write-Host ""
            Write-Host "Processing image ${count} of ${totalPhotos}"
            Write-Host ""

            # Check if user is internal or EXTernal
            if( (Get-ADUser -Filter "DisplayName -eq '$tempBaseName'")  -Or (Get-ADUser -Filter "DisplayName -eq '$tempBaseName EXT'") )
                # Set username base
                if(Get-ADUser -Filter "DisplayName -eq  '$tempBaseName EXT'")
                    $baseName = "${baseName} EXT"

                    $baseName = "${baseName}"

                Write-Host "Setting image for ${tempBaseName}"
                #Write-Host "Basename = $tempBaseName"
                #Write-Host "Photo Directory Path = $($photo.DirectoryName)"
                Write-Host "Photo Full Path = $($photo.FullName)"
                Write-Host ""

                # Select thumbnail value (if any)
                $thumbnail = Get-ADUser -filter { DisplayName -eq $baseName } -Properties * | Select thumbnailPhoto

                # If the user has no thumbnail yet, create a new one
                if ( $thumbnail -eq $null )
                    # Try creating a new thumbnail
                        $tempUsernameFull = Get-ADUser -filter { DisplayName -eq $baseName } | Select SamAccountName -ExpandProperty SamAccountName

                        Set-ADUser -Identity $tempUsernameFull -Add @{thumbnailPhoto=([byte[]](Get-Content "${tempPhoto}" -Encoding byte))} -ErrorAction Stop

                        Write-Host "Succeeded creating new image ${count} of ${totalPhotos}"

                        Write-Host "Failed creating new image ${count} of ${totalPhotos}"

                # If the user has  thumbnail yet, update it
                elseif ( $thumbnail -ne $null )
                    # Try updating the existing thumbnail
                        $tempUsernameFull = Get-ADUser -filter { DisplayName -eq $baseName } | Select SamAccountName -ExpandProperty SamAccountName

                        if($photo.Length -le 0)
                            # Delete corrupt photo from repo
                            Remove-Item $photo.FullName -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Stop

                            # Delete corrupt photo from AD object
                            Set-ADUser -Identity $tempUsernameFull -Clear thumbnailPhoto -ErrorAction Stop

                            Write-Host "Photo of ${tempBaseName} was corrupt, removing image ${count}"

                            Set-ADUser -Identity $tempUsernameFull -Replace @{thumbnailPhoto=([byte[]](Get-Content "${tempPhoto}" -Encoding byte))} -ErrorAction Stop

                            Write-Host "Succeeded updating existing image ${count} of ${totalPhotos}"

                        Write-Host "Failed updating existing image ${count} of ${totalPhotos}"

                Write-Host "---"

            # Else is the user deleted from the AD and the thumbnail is no longer needed.
                Write-Host "User does not exist ${tempBaseName}, removing image"
                # Try removing the thumbnail from the repository
                    Remove-Item $photo.FullName -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Stop

                    Write-Host "Removed image ${count}"
                    Write-Host ""

                    Write-Host "Failed to remove image ${count}"
                    Write-Host ""

                Write-Host "---"

             Write-Host "Could NOT set ANY image of the total ${totalPhotos} images!"
             Write-Host "An error occurred. Errorcode = $($_.Exception.Message)"
             Write-Host "Please check the script!"

    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "---"
    Write-Host "Total to be processed images = ${totalPhotos}"
    Write-Host "Succeeded creating new images = ${succeeded}"
    Write-Host "Succeeded updating existing images = ${succeededUpdating}"
    Write-Host "Failed creating new images = ${failed}"
    Write-Host "Failed updating existing images = ${failedUpdating}"
    Write-Host "Deleted images from repo = ${deleted}"
    Write-Host "---"
    Write-Host ""

    exit 0

# Exit program and catch error, return code 0x1 for failed
    Write-Host "An error occurred. Errorcode = $($_.Exception.Message)"
    exit 1


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