How to create and manage the Central Store for Group Policy Administrative Templates in Windows server

How to create and manage the Central Store for Group Policy Administrative Templates in Windows server
Download the latest ADMX version from MS → Create and manage Central Store - Windows Client Unpack it on on your domain server or preferably management server Copy only; the *.admx files from the root folder to a new folder called “filtered” the en-us (and/or any other language file you…

How to create a certificate request for Exchange 2019

How to create a certificate request for Exchange 2019
Change the script below and you'll have a signed certificate in no time for Exchange 2019. This also works for Exchange 2016, but there you can still use the GUI. # Vars $serverName = "YourServerName" $friendlyName = "FriendlyName" $exportable = "$True | $False" $subjectName = "c=COUNTRY, s=STATE, l=CITY, o=ORGANIZATION, ou=DEPARTMENT,…

How to mass change the primary group of users in active directory with PowerShell

How to mass change the primary group of users in active directory with PowerShell
Introduction This very simple PS code will allow you to change the primary group of a group of users and report back who the users are you've changed through the script. Code Start-Transcript "C:\Users\UserName\Downloads\PrimaryGroupChange.log" $newPrimaryGroup = get-adgroup "NewPrimaryGroupHere" -Properties "primaryGroupToken" $oldPrimaryGroup = get-adgroup "OldPrimaryGroupHere" -Properties "primaryGroupToken" $tempUsers = get-aduser -Filter…