Don Zalmrol

Welcome to my personal little spot on the web!

I’m a guy with a passion for IT, beer brewing, electronics and all other kind of stuff that are neat to see, do and explore.

This website contains various schematics, diagrams, images, calculations, codes, thoughts, ideas. A way for me to write down work or hobby related stuff. These are free for personal use. Feel free republish/ share/ copy/ … content from my site, all I ask on return is to give proper credit back.

I am not liable for any mistakes, errors and/ or dangers they can involve. This is all at your own risk, and by this I’m not accountable for any injures, damages or other issues caused by misinformation/ misinterpretation. As always I try to keep my data correct and up to date as possible to ensure success.

Suggestions, corrections and improvements are always welcomed!